Pass your full licence on your own 125

Full A1 Motorcycle or Scooter licence

Passing your full A1 Motorcycle test on your own 125cc bike

Never have to take a CBT again!

Here at ART we have been offering riders the chance to ditch the L-Plates and never have to do a CBT again for a long time, it's not all about large bike tests! If you would like to find out how we can help then please contact us for a unique plan.

An example of which would be:

Rider has current CBT and lots of recent experience and has passed their motorcycle theory test. Rider then books a few 1:1 lessons with one of our qualified instructors (£120 - £260??) We will coach you in the areas you will be tested on, along with many years of teaching experience our team are there to promote confidence in all areas of your riding. Once we are both happy that you can be ready (with a certain amount of self learning and discipline!) We will then book you for Modules One & Two (£90.50) which we recommend separate days and you then take yourself to the test centre (usually Burgess Hill)

The total cost could be as little as £210.50!

A1 Light Motorcycle Test
This test must be taken on a 115cc - 125cc motorcycle of not more than 11kW ( 14.6 Bhp) and be capable of at least 55mph.

Once you have passed Modules 1 & of this test you are able to ride a lightweight motorcycle of up to 125cc forever with No L-Plates plus all  the following benefits:

Never have to take a CBT again. (Hooray!)
Carry pillion passengers. (More fun for your friends!)
Ride on motorways. (The odd junction is handy but you wouldn't want to ride the length of the M1!)
Get cheaper insurance. (Statistics show full licence holder's are significantly less likely to be involved in any incidents!)
Make the next step up to the A2 or A with less training. (Cheaper!)

You must be a minimum of 17 years old or over, have already completed compulsory basic training, passed the D.V.S.A. motorcycle theory test and had generally at least 1000 miles experience on you own 125cc very recently.

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